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All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet

All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet, Norway, was founded in 1990. Its members include members of parliament (MPs) from all the political parties. The group strives to champion the just cause of Tibet in the parliament and its current chairperson, Mr. Olav Gunnar Ballo, has on several occasions, on behalf of the group raised the issue of Tibet during question and answer sessions in the parliament.

In October 2004 a small delegation led by him visited Dharamsala to see the setup of the exile Tibetan community and to meet with His Holiness and Tibetan government and non-governmental officials. Mr. Ballo took the responsibility of leading the Norwegian Parliamentary Group for Tibet from Mr. Borge Brenda, Norway's current Minister for Industry.

Contact Address

Chairperson, Norwegian Parliamentary
Group for Tibet Norwegian
Parliament Oslo, Norway

Last Updated ( Friday, 14 November 2008 13:20 )